
untouched by work or duty.

i made a two-foot-long daisy chain today.


i'll make you muffins.

spent the day yesterday at the farm. it was beautiful.

the pond is full of frogs and toads and tadpoles and apparently dead newts as well.

look! baby pigeon! it was cute without actually being all that cute.

this is ally. she looks silly.

there are over a hundred bats that live in the walls and ceiling of the old house that fly out after sunset, it's pretty gosh darn cool.

this bike was bequeathed to me. it's tiny and pink and has one of those horns for honking. so much fun...

one day, i'm going to have a little house out in the country with an orchard out back, a couple of dogs running around, and some honeybees. you'll all get invited over to help harvest the peaches and such, and we will lounge around in hammocks drinking apricot tea.


i love oregon.

woke up at noon yesterday with a proposition for a spur-of-the-moment beach trip. and that's the way these things are supposed to work. it was a bit cold, but absolutely wonderful.

we made it home in time to meet up with everyone else before kidnapping mike, which wasn't very much of a kidnapping, but pretty cool nonetheless, as we went downtown and had an extensive scavenger hunt that ended with dinner at the roxy.

it was great. i really really love portland.

p.s. even if i had wanted to make another daisy chain, i would not have been able to, seeing as they just mowed the grass yesterday and all the daisies are gone. it makes me sad.