
heart it races.

i took my bike out to mount tabor today because it was a pretty day and i'd only ever been there once and that was at midnight. oh man, but the place is gorgeous as hell. some of the hills getting up there were kind of killer lugging my tripod and everything with me, but i'm trying to not get a bubble butt so i could use all the workout i can get. next time you can hop on the back of my bike and i'll take you with me. i wish i had gone earlier but it takes me forever to leave my house and i couldn't stay for the sunset because i forgot to bring my bike lights. but yeah, it was one of the prettiest things ever, the east side is so quaint and lovely.

i thrive off of my weekends these days.

(i love architecture in helsinki cuz they're crazay.)

uh, my bad, this second one's for cynda because she really likes it and is very sad in multiple languages.


b said...

did you stick your bike on the bus, or are you training for the Tour?

magda. said...

no no no... i took it on the max, silly.

Cynda said...

wah. where's cynda's picture?

Ale smutne.
tres triste.
muy triste.
Sehr traurig
molto triste.
Heel droevig.
muito triste.
очень грустный.
meget trist.

Cynda said...

That last one was Chinese and it looks freaking cool but apparently only show up on on my computer.

Thanks Magda!!