

i missed the rain. it woke me up last night, it was coming down that hard. and despite only getting four hours of sleep, i didn't mind too much, because it sounded really pretty.

as the bus driver dropped everyone off at sylvania, he told us that we had hundreds of muscles in our body but our brain was the strongest one of them all, so "go out there and work it!"

my mother is awfully glad that i'm not still in hawaii.

and, i was wondering, when was it exactly that we outgrew playgrounds?


Miguel said...

But...I'm pretty sure the brain is an organ...which isn't a muscle.

Not to detract from the dude's message.

Scott Nye said...

So many comments...first, I went to various playgrounds probably five times over the summer. And you were even there when we went to the Rose Garden one! No excuses...

Second, your bus driver dispenses random advice...that rocks.

Third, me and Doug were just talking about how we miss the rain. I swear it never rains in Boston.

My word verification was "tkjkaj," which is fun to try to say out loud.

imac said...

No one ever outgrows playgrounds, some people are just in denial.

And the sound of rain on the roof is one of the best sounds ever.

Anonymous said...

yeah what they said.