i think i fell in love with berlin. honestly, there were so many other cities in germany i felt like i would rather go to, but it ended up being berlin, and i’m so glad it did.

the city is beautiful. there’s the perfect mix of the old with the new and everything seems so large but at the same time, it’s all so accessible.

maybe the thing that really won me over was how easily we were able to maneuver around a huge, foreign city on a couple of rented cruisers with nothing but one of those free maps that advertise some tour for tourists or something. berlin is honestly the most bike-friendly city i have ever been in, and if you ever visit, rent a bike for the day and see where it takes you, because you can see so much more and it was seriously so much fun, i absolutely loved it. i mastered the art of taking photos from a moving bicycle.

also, public transportation in berlin is downright amazing. even at two in the morning.

and there were so many cool things to see. the berliner dom, which is the big german cathedral, the remnants of the wall and checkpoint charlie, and so many lovely parks off of the river… oh, and i saw two ludwigs, although one was in a sarcophagus and the other was a statue.

anyway, i loved it. it’s the kind of city i could see myself living in. i wish i had a hundred lives.

(the pleasure part, the aftershock, the moment that it takes to fall apart, the time we have, the task at hand, the love it takes to destroy a man, the ectasy of being free, that big black cloud over you and me, and after that the upwards fall and were we angels after all?)

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