it’s sweltering here. a couple of days ago it hit forty degrees celcius. that’s really great weather for train traveling when there’s no air conditioning, you know. but on monday on our last day in krakow we went to this town called wieliczka where they have a giant salt mine hundreds of meters under the ground, where it’s nice and cool… it’s a pretty awesome place.

as you go through the mine, the walls and floors and everything are salt, and there are sculptures of all kinds of things that were also made from giant hunks of salt (dwarves and gnomes and dragons and famous people like copernicus and goethe and pope john paul ii). there are a couple of chapels and an entire church completely engraved from salt… that was the coolest part by far. they actually hold masses in there and it’s gorgeous… the sculptures and engravings all around the room are amazing. there were also some really pretty underground lakes and we got to see how they used to mine the salt hundreds of years ago when it was worth more than gold.

it was pretty chill. (ha, a pun!) i kept telling natalia to lick the walls but she wouldn’t do it.

we’re staying at my dad’s brother's house near warsaw now. he’s away somewhere so we’re chilling with my aunt and cousins for a little bit… it’s great because they’re pretty laid back. and they have a crazy dog. my laptop sucks and has problems connecting to the internet, but we’ve finally got steady access to it here, so i get to catch up.

(how are things on the west coast?)

Wow, I've heard of those mines before! Some priest at the basilica back in DC was talking about it during Mass. That's awesome.
My life has all the filing I could ever want, and then billions more!
woo! songs!
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