our cracovian hosts took us rafting on the dunajec river that makes up some of the border between poland and slovakia. there are really nice national parks on both sides, and mountain and cliffs and forests and all that good stuff. our boat had polish mountain men and nuns and a small singing boy on it and it was a great ride and a perfect day (maybe a little warm) and a gorgeous place.

the drive there and back was breathtaking. even though i’ve been to poland before, touring it like this is pretty cool… poland’s a beautiful country. rolling hills out here in this part of the country, i dig ‘em. and the mountain range in the distance… also quite impressive. and the sunset on the way back… uh, yeah. so like, the pictures don’t nearly do it any justice and i know i sure as hell don’t but um, it’s pretty chill. i could spend forever on the top of one of those hills, you couldn’t imagine the views.

(dreaming of a new land where the rivers wind through the villages and the people breathe so easily.)

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